Friday, May 11, 2012

Say Helllooooooo to my lil’ Nephew: Adlan Rakawisha Putra WIbowo

By Angelinhere

May I introduce you all, the hartanto family readers, about my nephew a.k.a my big sister son ^_^ Yup, as written on the title, his name is Adlan Rakawisha Putra Wibowo. He was born at RS Budi Kemuliaan (as known as Moms Office) on Wednesday, 25th of April 2012, and we’re sooo much exciting to have him in our little happy family life…

He is just too cuuuute I think, and I couldn’t resist not to hug and kiss him everyday… *sorry dear bubby. Oh yeah, something I almost forgot, we call him ‘buby’ as similar with ‘baby’, its just sound cute ^_^ So, the rest of the family, include Mom n Dad, also Call Raka as ‘buby’.

Doa untuk Buby dari Onty... Semoga Buby jadi anak yang sholeh, pandai, patuh sama ortu, baik sama semua orang, jadi orang yang adil sesuai namamu , dan jadi kebanggaan keluarga kita ya Nak... L.o.V.e you!

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