Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Event Calendar : Another Issues w/ Entrepreneurship and Social Media #AKBERJKT

By Angelinhere

Dearest The Hartanto readers,
Do you stay near from Jakarta? I want to share you some Entrepreneurial News!
Have you ever join with AKADEMI BERBAGI? I’ve attended their event once, when Mrs. Ligwina Hananto shared about how to start business. If you we’re interested to learn so many things, just join the community for FREE! Click here fur futher information.
In November, Akber will educate us with any subjects related to entrepreneurship. Here it this the info I want you to know :
Dalam rangka ulang tahun fimeladotcom, akberJkt mengadakan kelas khusus :

Hari: Sabtu, 26 Nop 2011
Waktu : 15.00 - 17.00 wib
Tempat : grand Indonesia level one east mall, JKT
Pengajar : lucy Wiryono @lucywiryono

For registration to attend the event just click here.
Then, anyone would love to ask me? Who is She?? *Mrs. Lucy Wiryono*
Have ever heard about “Holycow!” ? this is a place when a ‘steak hunters’ gather into one place. She build her own business (with partner I mean), since her husband and herself love to cook steak so much. Then they started to create the ‘Holycow!’.
She’s an announcer at Hardrock 87.6 FM, Jakarta and now at Cosmopolitan FM, she’s also a News Caster for Sportivo, at Trans TV. So have you familiar with the girl? ^_^

Interested to hear what and how she build his Entrepreneurial ‘kingdom’ *jiah, mulai lebah dah gue*, join this event. Eventhough, after attending the event we could do shop pretty shopping to the Grand Indonesia, or just hang out in the place.
See you there… And the whole point here the event is FREE OF CHARGE!!
*ps : I hope, Noyboy would give me his permit to come to the event,,, please hun? Hehehe :P
*wink-wink* crossed finger ^_^

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