Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today Shuffle love song : Fake Plastic Love

By angelinhere

Today shuffle love song is about a man, his x-girlfiend and his bestfriend. We called it as a triangle love.
They were friends (in a good way), before something crash out their friendship.
This is about the man and his fake plastic love.

Being run off of his x-girlfriend which decied to get married, his life was awful lately. After having a great relationship for about 4 years with his-X, having fun together, doing crazy lil’ thing together, it was all perfecto before he know that his x-girlfriend future husband was his own best,best,beeeessstt friend.

A man and his bestfriend was connected each other since they were in a junior high school and until now they have the same working environment. A man trust his bestfriend soooo much, more than anything in the world. Sometimes when A man and his girlfriend (was) plan to going somewhere and the man seems came late, he ask his bestfriend to accompany his-X first. Or when she ask the man to accompany him to somewhere place but the man couldn’t do it, the man will ask his bestfriend to accompany his-X.

After a years the thing repeteadly happened, and A man girlfriend getting closer to a man best friend. And the bla..bla..bla.. The man should end up a relationship with his girlfriend with some problem cause by many thing…

Until last week, the man received a wedding invitation from his X-girlfriend. She will be married with : the man best friend!! Whaaattt…… This thing hurts a man soo much. This is crush anything ever happened in their (3 of them) relationship.

But, this is live. The man should take this situation as reality, His-X now become his bestfriend wife… This is life, we must struggle from anything that makes us down.
The man strive back, stand up, forgive everything and smile back to the world.
Today, he ask Hardrock FM to call her-X just want to saysorry he couldn’t attend her wedding and that He also happy if the girl life was happy too…

This is what happened in the man love live. A Fake plastic trees of love. He gives too much liberation and independent to his-X and couldn’t spend sometime for his own good relationship.
This is what we have to learn from a kind of situation :
Menangani perempuan itu ga gampang. Perempuan katanya ga boleh dikekang, minta dikasih space sendiri, In fact, ternyata kita harus tetep ada disamping dia or otherwise have an ‘24 hours standby’. Show her a little bit of tenderness, a little bit of trustworthiness dan perempuan itu akan memberikan ‘all of her heart for the one she love’.
So, Here it is today shuffle love song, enjoyed….

So you sailed away..into a grey sky morning.
Mow im here to stay love can be so boring
Nothing quite the same now
I just say your name now..
But its not so bad, you r only the best I ever had.
( Best I ever had : Vertical Horizon songs)

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time
(Fake plastic tree : Radiohead song)


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