Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ethnica Calls

By Angelinhere

Lately I love to wear black dress to attend wedding ceremony.
Some people say, don't go with those colour, it shown deep simphaty (sad feelings), but for me its just a simple way to express another fashion statement.

In black your fashion statement will be become BOLD.
Check the things out :
(This is when I go to Mbak Inne's Wedding @ Bogor, October of 14th 2011)

(Behind the scene, when i pour some make up and touch here and there than tadaa.... as pretty as angel, hihih)
*note : Noyboy did'nt like my eye pen colour... HE said it was just like 'belek' in bahasa, ahahha.. Dear, it just some trick that i learn from make up tutorial :P

I go this way by looking at this hijab tutorial :

Nice wasn't it? Misterious with a touch of ethnica ^_^


  1. jelek make up nya,,,ga usah pake belek2an....

  2. foto yang kedua,,serem...

  3. ihh bapaa maahh.. itu khan baguuss :P *tetep g mo kalah
