Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Home Dekor Minimalis

By Angelinhere

yuk, kita lihat referensi Home Dekor Minimalis atau Modern untuk rumah ku nanti ^_^
Siapa tau bisa jadi input buat wedding bridezilla yang lainnya.
Happy reading All...

I would love to if I could build some of those lovely room. Why I decided to have the ‘super functional room’ as showing above? Since nowadays, house prices is getting high and high every year, and the size is getting smaller. So, we have to make a smart step to anticipate the unspacecious room.
There are some hidden furniture inside the functional room, for example hidden cupboard inside the walls, or a two step cupboard at the bottom and ‘bedroom’ above it.

Nice wasn’t it? Be smart and stay minimalis…

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