Monday, July 11, 2011

Diva Metropolitan

BY Angelinhere

Last Sunday I decided to have an ‘afternoon day out’ to Grand Indonesia (GI) with my Fikom Unpad Girls, (read : another besties of mine), they are Itay, Ney, and Prima. After several time arranging our ‘busy schedule’, just to make this rendezvous thingy happened, and this is it, our precious time.*lebay*
Many things happened in our life. There’s Itay who decided to attend Classic Guitar Class in Yamaha Music (inspired by Depapepe), there’s Prima who recently move in into new office in Aura Magazine, and lastly Ney which has raise her salary after 3 months probation program (read : her salary is ***** too much number on it, hihihi) … Good track girls! I’m so excited to hear this kind of news from all of you. That we are pretty successful in our term of reference of success it self. For me you all girls are my inspiration, and becoming my standard of ‘successful’ in career side. Except we can’t meet with Rika, since she is still in Bali, and that’s too bad we can’t have this ‘precious time’ with Rika also. *hugs*
I wore my Hareem Bloom pants at the time, by this term you can say this kind of pants as “Genie Pants”. Before I go out I just asked my mother about my appearance that day, and mother just said,
M : Ade kayak Ali baba deh.. Hihihi
A : Oh pasti mah, harus aneh… pasti nanti juga anak-anak pada bilang hal yg sama. Yakin deh!
And what I found? Absolutely the same result as I guess before… The first time Ney saw Me she’s just didn’t recognize me at all (pangling ceunah), then Itay just said “Assalamualaikum Bu Haji, Ahlan Wa Sahlan”… Ahahah.. I knew it they would say that kind of thing… Hahaha..
This is fun, to meet you guys… Prima just came late, so we decided to wait for her in Food Lover Hall in GI, and Ney would like to buy Deli Manjoo, Korean’s snack which exactly have the same taste as Indonesian Traditional Snack (Kue Pukis), but Deli Manjoo only available in Chocolate and Vanilla and for 12 pcs of it costly Rp. 20.000 (pretty expensive huh?). After some chit-chatting time prima just came along, since it just lunch time we are going to find some restaurant to satisfy our ‘hungriness’…hihihi…
In our way to Yoshinoya – Japanese resto, we found cultural expo about Papua in Alun-Alun stage hall, and we also could see beautiful water fountain with laser show arranging music in swing at the ice skate ring nerby The Yoshinoya. This is what I’m capture there…

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