Friday, May 27, 2011

My buu, I want My 'Cireng Isi'


We can call this sunny friday as fry-day, since today temperature were relatively hot! Agree??..
Okey, hey listen, i want to tell you if tommorrow will gonna be :
And noyboy will be coming to Jakarta, and we'll gonna spent a super quality time..For sure, tommorrow we'll attending a Wedding at Nestle Building, Mr Djarot will have his daughter married, he is one of my peer in Truba.
Noyboy supposed to be bring me this from Bandung :
(we called it Cireng Isi in bahasa)

But seems he can't bring me those,, why? why? pliss hunny.. I really want to eat those things. *Manja* hhehehehe . Here are our latest conversation this afternoon (in Bahasa)
Him : Ibuu, Bapaa gak lewat tempat cireng isi besok..
Me : Yah, Bapaa, Ibuu pengen banget niy..
Him : Yaudah, kalo Bapaa beli Cireng dulu, berarti bapaa ke rumah dulu, jadi ke jakartanya siang, hayo pilih mana?
ME : ouuuu,, kok gitu! yaudah berangkat ke Jakarta pagi-pagi tapi lho yaaa
*tidak diberi kesempatan memilih*

Cant wait for tommorrow.. see u soon, hun
(us @ Unpad Jatinangor, at Unpad's new stadium)

(posted by Angelinhere : i want my cireng isi!, heheh)


  1. want cireng isi or arrived to late,?hehehe. ..

  2. Arrived as soon as you can but u should bring me Cireng Isi..
    How bout that? hihihi

  3. nope,,u must choose one option ok hunn,,
